To John Adams from J. Marino, 14 January 1820
Boston Jany. 14th 1820
Permit me, most Excellent sir, my intrusion of impart to you, that in a voyage from Great Britain for south America, in an english Vessel, I suffered Shipwreck, and was rescued by Capt. Paddock of the American Ship Eliza Barker, in which I arrived at New York on the 30 of November ulto. saving nothing but life.
While at New York, I wrote to my friends in England, in Cadiz, in Madrid, in Valparaiso, in Buenos Ayres, in Venezuela and in Havana.
In New York I received a loan, from a person I once obliged, of 400: dollars; which enable me to pay my expences there, to make some cloathes for present family, and to proceed to Boston, to wait here, in obscurity, answers from my friends
I arrived to Boston the 31. December, and obtained soon after <two> three rooms for our accommodation. One furnished for a parlour; another with two beds; and one with the necessary things for cooking
Yesterday morning I spent the last shilling! and last evening I received a note for the payment of two weeks’ rent!!
My mind is much agitated at this moment, entirely unable to express myself with accuracy—but in such a dilemma, I though[t] proper to address to you these lines; thinking that one of my mother’s brothers gave you a good reception, in Spain, at the revolution of the United States; and knowing your merits, your character, your talents and your virtues, by public papers.
I am at the eve of perish by hunger or by cold; and unable to answer to a weekly rent; before two months
I shall not ask favors to Spaniards subjects—and am unwilling to appear to the public.
If you can afford me here, or in the country, any kind of comfort, I assure you to satisfy it, as soon as posible; and to be much oblige, for ever—but I request it should be privately.
As I cannot have the honor, at present, to visit you, I send this by mail, expecting a line from you by the post
Please to excuse me, and to accept my cordial wishes for your welfare, and those of my consort (my second) and children
I have the honr. to be very respectfy. / Most excellent Sir / Your mt. obt. huml. Servt.
J. Marino
MHi: Adams Papers.