To John Adams from Caesar Augustus Rodney, 19 September 1818
Wilmington Septr. 19. 1818
Venerable & Dear Sir,
It was very flattering to my pride, and grateful to my feelings, to receive your friendly & acceptable favor of the 12. inst. with which I was honored, by the mail of yesterday.
This mark of distinguished attention, more prized, as it was unexpected, claims my warmest acknowledgments.
To speak <with> frankly, it was with extreme reluctance I obtruded my hasty note, penned under the impulse of the moment, on the repose & privacy of your retirement. The compliment of an answer was not anticipated.
Tho’ my letter was written without correction, and therefore marked private, I cheerfuly & promptly comply, with your request, to publish it, making the alteration you suggest, of the name of Robinson, for Williams.
It affords me great pleasure, and will be a source of lasting satisfaction, to renew with you, after the lapse of years, the friendship of my family.
Yours Very Respecty. / & Truly
C.A. Rodney
MHi: Adams Papers.