Adams Papers

Edmé Jacques Genet to John Adams: A Translation, 14 August 1778

Edmé Jacques Genet to John Adams: A Translation

Versailles, 14 August 1778


I have today translated a letter dated 8 August from an American shipowner at Nantes who complains that two of his vessels were taken coming out of Paimboeuf and requests certain facilities in regard to the privateers. Because it has been impossible to read his signature, the second time that I have met with this embarrassment, I have copied it on the enclosed piece of paper and ask you to please decipher it so that I may inform the minister of the correspondent’s name.

I am waiting for you to receive some news from America before issuing no. 511 and would be much obliged if you could send me, as soon as possible through the mail, all that you deem appropriate for publication. I am with respect, sir, your very humble and very obedient servant,


RC (Adams Papers).

1That is, cahier 51 of Affaires de l’Angleterre et de l’Amérique (“Lettres,” vol. 11). That issue was almost entirely devoted to news from England, particularly regarding the naval battle between Keppel and d’Orvilliers, and had but two pages containing news from America (p. cclviii–cclix).

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