Adams Papers

John Quincy Adams to Cotton Tufts, 18 June 1790

John Quincy Adams to Cotton Tufts

Newbury-Port. June 18th: 1790.

Dear Sir.

I received a few days since your favour of the 10th: instt.1 and as there will be a difficulty in procuring a tenant for the house, I should wish if possible to take some other office at least for a time. The multiplicity of your affairs almost precludes the hope that you can attend to this matter: if however you should hear of any room conveniently situated which might be hired for a temporary office, I shall rest assured of your goodness to engage it, or give me the information. I expect to be in Boston immediately after Commencement; and shall be quite impatient to get into my office; every day becomes additionally precious and important.

I am again obliged to request a sum similar to that for which I applied two months since. I hope I shall not incur the censure of extravagance. My horse adds to the expences to which I have formerly been subjected.— I am now quite destitute.

In three weeks from this I expect to be sworn in to the Court of Common Pleas at Salem. Mr: Parsons’s fee will then be due and £6. for the fine for admission.—2 I wish I could see a prospect of ever counterbalancing all these outgoings.

I have no expectation of going to New-York this Summer; and indeed at present my sole object is, to get well settled in my office.

I am, my dear Sir, your very humble Servant and greatly obliged nephew

J. Q. Adams.

RC (NhHi:Presidential Autographs Coll.); addressed: “Hon: Cotton Tufts Esqr / Boston.”; internal address: “Hon: Cotton Tufts Esqr:”; endorsed: “J. Q. Adams’s Le[tter] / June 18. 1790.”

1Not found.

2On 15 July, JQA received his certificate of admission as an attorney to the Court of Common Pleas for Essex County (Adams Papers).

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