Adams Papers

John Adams to Abigail Adams, 4 March 1788

John Adams to Abigail Adams

The Hague March 4. 1788

My dearest Friend

After a Passage of two days, against contrary Winds, and a terrible Jolt through the Mud, from Helvoet, I arrived here this day, in good health and not bad Spirits. The Princes Birth day is on Saturday: so that I shall not be able to take Leave before Monday, and if I go to Amsterdam afterwards, I shall not be able to leave that City before Wednesday or Thursday: so that I fear you cannot expect me, till the Week after next.— Mr Dumas prays me to Send you his respects.

My Cockade is Splendid enough for a Lt. General.— Mr Dumas is large enough for a Colonel, or for what I know for a Major General. I have not seen one Person without an orange Ribbon. great Preparations are making for celebrating the Birth day: and all is quiet. Tomorrow I make my first Visits.— Give my Love to Mr and Mrs Smith and to my dear Boy.— and my Respects and Compliments to all Freinds.

yours forever

John Adams

RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “England / For / Mrs Adams / at the American Ambassdors / Grosvenor Square / corner of Duke Street / Westminster / London”; internal address: “Mrs Adams.”

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