Adams Papers

Enclosure: Account between Thomas Jefferson and Abigail Adams, 9 August 1786

Enclosure: Account between Thomas Jefferson and Abigail Adams

Mrs. Adams to Th: J.

1785. June 2. To paid Petit 173. 8
Aug. 17. To pd mr Garvey’s bill 96. 16. 6
Nov. To cash by Colo. Smith. 768. 0. 0
1786. Jan. 5. To pd Barin for Suortout de dessert & figures &c 264. 17. 6
Feb.27. To pd for shoes for miss Adams 24.
Mar. 5. To pd for sundries viz.
  12. aunes de dentelle 96
  une paire de barbes 36.
  4. aunes of cambric 92.
  4. do. 60 284. 0. 0
1611. 2. 0
£ s d
(reckoning 24. livres at 20/sterl.) being 67. 2. 7 sterl.
Mar. [April] 9. To balance of expences of journey between mr Adams & myself 8. 9. 4 1/2
75 11. 11 1/2
£ s d
1785. Oct. 12. By pd insurance on Houdon’s life 32. 11. 0
1786. Jan. 10. By damask table cloth & napkins 7. 0. 0
  2. pr nut crackers 4. 0
£ s
  2. peices Irish linen @ 4/. 8. 14
  making 12. shirts 1. 16
  buttons, thread, silk 3
  washing 3. 6
  a trunk 1. 1 11. 17. 6
Apr. 9. By pd for 9. yards of muslin @ 11/ 4. 19. 0
  12. By do. for 21. yds Chintz @ 5/6 5. 15. 6
By pd for 25. yds linen @ 4/ £5. } for mr Short
for making 7. shirts 1. 6. 6
6. 6. 6
By pd for altering 12. shirts 6. 6
Balance 6. 11. 11 1/2
75. 11. 11 1/2

The content of notes that appeared on this page in the printed volume has been moved to the end of the preceding document.

RC (Adams Papers); endorsed: “Mr Jefferson August 9th 1786.” Enclosure (Adams Papers); notation by Jefferson: “Mrs. Adams.”

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