Abigail Adams to Cotton Tufts, 8 April 1786
Abigail Adams to Cotton Tufts
April 8th 1786 London
Dear sir
Captain Lyde talks of leaving London tomorrow. I just write a line by him to inform you that we are all well. Mr Adams and mr Jefferson are gone a little, journey into the Country, and it is the only excursion mr Adams has ever made since he first came to Europe without having publick buisness to transact.
I have nothing particular to communicate, but what I have mentiond in a letter to uncle Smith which he will shew you.
The Last letters from Congress inform us, that not more than seven states were, or had been for some time represented;1 concequently no buisness of any great importance could be transacted; thus every wheel in the machine, is retarded both at Home and abroad.
Mrs Quincy will pay you Eight pounds, two shillings sterling on my account. This you will be so good as to add to the Sum I Sent by my son,2 and dispose of it in the same way. Regards to all Friends from your affectionate Neice
A Adams
RC (Adams Papers); addressed by WSS: “The Honourable Cotton Tufts Boston pr. Capt Lyde”; endorsed: “Mrs. Adams Lettr April 8th. recd May. 16 1786 Pr Capt Lyde”; notation by Tufts: “Mrs. Quincy to pay me £8.2.0. sterlg.”
1. Rufus King, currently in Congress, and Elbridge Gerry, who wrote from New York but had ended his service under the Articles of Confederation in Nov. 1785, both reported that no more than seven members had been present since the previous fall (Rufus King to JA, 1 Feb., and Elbridge Gerry to JA, 2 Feb., both Adams Papers; , 23:11).
2. AA sent £50 of Massachusetts currency, which she had not used in Europe, back home with JQA (to Tufts, [26 April] 1785, vol. 6:108).