John Quincy Adams to John Adams, 6 June 1783
John Quincy Adams to John Adams
Hague June 6th. 1783
Honoured Sir
I receiv’d last Tuesday your favour of the 29th of last month. As Mr. Dumas is so good as to read Virgil with me; 100 verses at a time is not too much at a Time. I have not Ainsworth’s Dictionnary, but I have Lyttleton’s,1 and several French one’s. I don’t think I shall be able to find Trapp’s translation of Virgil here; but I have enough with that of Dryden. I had already began to translate Suetonius in writing. I have began it in French, as it is more convenient to me and to Mr. Dumas who corrects the translation. I have began with the Life of Caligula.
I have heard nothing about the finishing the Peace for some time; it was said here, near a fortnight agone that all was over; but at present I hear nothing said about it.
I am, your Dutiful Son. Please to present my respects to Messrs. Thaxter and Storer.
J. Q. Adams
RC (Adams Papers).
1. Adam Littleton, Latin Dictionary, 6th edn., London, 1735, is in MQA; it has JQA’s signature and “1781” on the titlepage.