Adams Papers

John Adams to Abigail Adams, 18 February 1783

John Adams to Abigail Adams

Paris Feb. 18. 1783

My dearest Friend

The Peace, which Sets the rest of the World at Ease, increases, I think my Perplexities and Anxiety. I have written to Congress a Resignation, but I foresee there will not be a Speedy decision upon it, and I Shall be left in a State of Suspence that will be intolerable. Foreseeing this,1 I am determined not to wait for an Acceptance of my Resignation, but to come home without it, provided it does not arrive in a reasonable Time.

Dont think therefore of coming to Europe. If you do We Shall cross each other, and I shall arrive in America about the Same time that you may arrive in Europe.

I Shall certainly return home in the Spring. With or without Leave, Resignation accepted or not, home I will come, So you have nothing to do but wait to receive, your obl Friend

J. Adams

RC (Adams Papers).

1From this point on the letter repeats verbatim an entire letter of the same date which is not printed here. In fact, JA sent a third letter on this day, explaining that he was taking advantage of several opportunities to inform AA of his determination to come home. This last added a further thought: “I Shall arrange all the Affairs of the public that I have any Relation to in such a manner that nothing can Suffer, by my Absence untill another Minister shall arrive in my place” (both Adams Papers).

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