Abigail Adams 2d to Elizabeth Cranch, 2 October 1782
Abigail Adams 2d to Elizabeth Cranch
[post 2 October 1782] 1
No Eliza2 I do not believe your real affection has decreased for Amelia,3 but a consiousness of my even doing wrong sometimes leads me to feel neglected, when, perhaps, I am not. But do not say that you love me better every time you converse with me. I must believe you sincere and this belief will lead me for the first time to dought your judgement. I do not say this to be contradicted. It is my belief, I feel it to my hourly mortification.
I have no news to relate to Eliza, only Mosieur Ronnay with his regiment is ordered to Portsmouth—to defend it from the invasions of the british fleet, that are feared. He called to take leave of us yesterday. He laments leaveing Braintree much—and wishes he had, had, the pleasure of seeing Miss Betsy Cranch.
The Ladies that I told you I expected a Wedensday were engaged. I shall expect them tomorow, and hope for the pleasure of Elizas presence. Mr. Robbins was excessively tired the other eve. He could get no further than hear.
RC (MHi: C. P. Cranch Papers); addressed: “Miss Betsy Cranch Weymouth”; endorsed: “AA—October 1782.”
1. This letter has been dated from the Chevalier de Ronnay’s two letters of 2 Oct. to AA (both Adams Papers; the first above). The closing reference to Chandler Robbins Jr. also suggests an early October date (see AA2 to Elizabeth Cranch, Sept., vol. 4:389).
2. Betsy (or Eliza) Cranch, AA2’s first cousin, was probably visiting Dr. Cotton Tufts and Lucy Quincy Tufts, her great-uncle and aunt, in Weymouth (vol. 4:389).
3. AA2 regularly adopted this name when corresponding with relatives and close friends, and AA, in her correspondence, often referred to her daughter as Amelia. AA, JA, the Cranches, and some of their friends had adopted similar names in the early 1760s. See vol. 1:passim; vol. 3:144–145, and note 5; and vol. 4:390.