Adams Papers

Joseph Gardoqui & Sons to Abigail Adams, 14 October 1781

Joseph Gardoqui & Sons to Abigail Adams

the 14th. Octovr. 1781


Since the above duplicatte of our last Respectts to you1 has Kissed our hands your allways obliging Esteemed favour of the 18th. Jully2 and therewith your Remmittance for Livers 300 on Paris which in Repply have the pleasure to Informe you has by us been punctually forwarded for Acceptance, as such when in Cash your Account with us will be creditted for the same at the Exchange of 76 Souls per current dollar in Riales 1188 & 29 mrs. of Vellon3 which if Right be pleased to notte in Conformity with us.

The Brigg Boston Packett Capt. White putt in at Coruna, by contrary winds from whence we Expectt her hourly, and as you are pleased to directt our shipping the Ammount of the above bill in Sundry goods in her the present Chiefly serves to advice you that it will be with pleasure punctually Comply’d with, by those who Salutting you with due Respectts Subscrive with the highest Reggard & Esteem, Madam, your mt. obt. hble. Servts.,

Joseph Gardoqui & sons

RC (Adams Papers). Follows on same sheet of paper (though it is in a different hand) text of DuplRC of Gardoqui & Sons to AA, 2 May 1781, q.v. above under that date.

1See descriptive note.

2Not found.

3That is, 1188 reals and 29 maravedis of vellon (or billon), a form of Spanish currency (Patrick Kelly, The Universal Cambist and Commercial Instructor, 2d edn., London, 1826, 1:316–318).

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