John Quincy Adams to John Adams, 11 February 1781
John Quincy Adams to John Adams
Leyden Feby. the 11. 1781
Honoured Sir
I received a day or two agone the vocabulary which I desir’d you to send, for which I am much obliged to you. Last Thursday I went to hear the Rector Magnificus for last year speak an oration. The Rector for this year is professor Voorda. All the Professors of the university, the Burgomasters and the Schepens of the city were there. Professor Hollebeek (the last years rector) is Profesor in theology.1 He treated upon the advantages of the Christian religion.
Perhaps you may remember when you was here you was speaking of the rules of the drama. There is a book here entitled l’art Dramatique by Mercier with his Dramatick works in 6 Volumes in Octavo which cost 18g. 14 st. but I can buy l’art Dramatique alone for 1. 16. If you please I will buy it.2
I am your most dutiful Son,
John Quincy Adams
RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “A Monsieur Monsieur Adams chez Monsieur Henry Schorn a Amsterdam”; endorsed: “John ansd. 12 Feb. 1781.” JQA’s punctuation has been slightly rectified for clarity.
1. Ewald Hollebeek (1719–1796), who at the end of his incumbency as rector gave special permission for CA to be admitted to the University, had been professor of theology since 1762. See , 1:1140–1141; Album studiosorum Academiae Lugduno Batavae, The Hague, 1875, p. xii and col. 1136.