Adams Papers

Abigail Adams to John Adams, 21 January 1781

Abigail Adams to John Adams

Janry. 21 1781

My dearest Friend

The vessel is not yet gone, and I find I have a towns man going in her. He came this evening to let me know it, and to take Letters from me. What has taken place in the last week Mr. C[ranc]h has informd you of, so that I shall not write politicks. I inclose a paper or two, and a journal or two of congress. In one of the papers you will see an Excellent Letter from a Friend of yours, and a comment by an other who sent it to a Gentleman requesting his care of the publication and with his usual complasance, he has published all, together.1—Many of your Friends will write you by this vessel. I hope it will not be long before some one will arrive with Letters from you. I feel impatient.

The Bandano hankerchiefs you was so kind as to send me, are as good an article as has ever come. I can scarcly keep one of them. Tho they are double the price of a Barcelona, they sell much better. Holland is a good place for crockery ware, I should be glad of some for family use from thence.—I wish you to write by every vessel bound to America. Updike arrived at Providence, but we fear the Fame is lost or taken. Friends all well. Adieu yours ever yours.

RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “To Honbll. John Adams Esqr Minister Plenipotentiary from the United States of America at Paris or Amsterdam”; endorsed in John Thaxter’s hand: “Portia 21st Jany. 1781.” For the single identifiable enclosure see note 1.

1AA was sending JA a copy of Willis’ (Boston) Independent Chronicle for 18 Jan., containing Mercy Warren’s letter to her son on Chesterfield’s letters; see note 3 on AA to Nathaniel Willis?, ante 4 Jan., above.

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