John Quincy Adams to Abigail Adams, 16 February 1779
John Quincy Adams to Abigail Adams
Passy February 16 1779
Hond. Mamma
I have now the pleasure to acquaint you some news which will be agreable to you. Yesterday morning an extroadinary express from England has brought this news that on Friday 12 i[n]st. the Populace of London put fire to the hotels of North, Sandwich, Germaine, and Paliseer which was consumed and that at the Moment of the depart of the Letter it went so well that they did not know where it would end, and all for joye of the justification of Keppel &c. &c.1
Yours &c.,
J. Q. Adams
NB Excuse my writing. I being in a hurry just let you know this news.
RC (Adams Papers); addressed: “Mrs. John Adams at Mr. Adams’s Braintree near Boston in America.”
1. For the demonstrations in London, 11–12 Feb., against the ministry and against Sir Hugh Palliser and the Admiralty when news of Admiral Keppel’s acquittal was received from Portsmouth, see , p. 198–199, where it is pointed out that “Some of the mob seemed not to be of the lower class.” See also JA to AA, 27 Dec. 1778, above.