Adams Papers

John Adams to Abigail Adams, 18 January 1779

John Adams to Abigail Adams

Passy Jany. 18. 1779

My dearest Friend

A Gentleman, Mr. Boardman of Newbury Port,1 is going, and by him I send you a few Lines.

In England nothing is talked of, but Admiral Keppell, whom they are daily trying by a Court Martial. His Defence, I suppose is our security, viz. the shattered Condition of their Navy.

They are almost ripe for cutting each others Throats to all Appearance, yet they are about sending Reinforcements to America. But they cant send many.

Here, they are silently preparing for your Assistance. Patience and Perseverance, will finally obtain what We wish.

I am quite unwell, with one of my violent Colds. But I walk ten miles a day to cure it.

I never was so embarrassed, in writing to you in my Life. I never know what security I have against appearing in the News Papers, and I assure you I dont wish to see any more of my Love Letters there.2

I have been here in a State of total Suspence and Uncertainty, these three Months. Not one Word can We get from Congress. No News here from the Comte3 since his Departure from Boston.

RC (Adams Papers).

1Probably Capt. Offin Boardman, who had commanded a Newburyport privateer that had been captured; Boardman had escaped from Mill Prison and made his way to France (William H. Bayley and Oliver O. Jones, History ofthe Marine Society of Newburyport [Newburyport], 1906, p. 355–356).

2An allusion to his letter to AA of 24 July 1775, intercepted and published by the British; see text and notes at vol. 1:255–258, above.

3Admiral d’Estaing.

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