John Adams to Peter Boylston Adams, 15 June 1776
John Adams to Peter Boylston Adams
Philadelphia June 15. 1776
My dear Brother
I have an Account of the Politicks of the Town of Braintree; but it is an imperfect one. I wish you would write me, a clear, and distinct one. . . .1 I am told there was a Tie, between your Hon. Brigadier General and You, and that, in order to get a Decision in his Favour he was obliged to declare that he would leave the Board for the Sake of serving the Town.2 I should be glad to learn a little of Motives and Politicks upon this Occasion.
How is it? You leave me in the dark: you dont tell me whether I have the Honour to be a select Man, or not, or who are select Men, nor any Thing about Town Affairs. . . . Do you think that, because I am half a thousand miles off, I never think about you and that I dont want to know this, and that and the other?—I do, indeed.—You may at any Time send a Letter to the Post Office in Boston, it will be brought to me free of Expence, to you, or me. . . . I am greatly at a Loss to account for the Conduct of your Hon. Councillor and gallant Brigadier, upon this Occasion. Pray explain it. Ask Mr. Norton3—what it means.
LbC (Adams Papers).
1. Here and below, suspension points are in MS.
3. Probably a slip of the pen for “Mr. Norton Quincy.”