Adams Papers



We went and escorted a number of ladies to the packet: and by eleven o’clock, almost all the company was gone, and the town look’d as solitary as a deserted village.

I took a walk with Mr. Q. Thaxter,1 and Mr. Andrews down to Genl. Lincoln’s Mills. It was half past twelve before I got back to Mr. Thaxter’s. Of all the company that had been there Charles and I, only remained at dinner.

At about 2 we mounted, and arrived at Mr. Cranch’s in Braintree at about half after three. The young ladies had got home before dinner, and were much fatigued. I was not so much so, as I expected to be, from keeping so constantly on the go, since the beginning of the week. In the beginning of the evening Judge Sargeant came in; he came from Taunton where the supreme Court have been sitting this week, and completed their business last evening.

1Quincy (1762–1837), brother of John Thaxter Jr. and cousin of AA.

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