Attended Mrs. Duncan’s funeral, in the afternoon: Mr. Smith made a prayer, very proper and adapted to the Circumstances. There were as I imagine, about 40 couple attending. As we return’d, several couple went out of the row as they came to their Respective homes. I was with my Cousin, and went in to Mr. White’s; where I spent a couple of hours. Mrs. McKinstry,1 a Sister of Mrs. Duncan, was there: and it was a solemn, mournful time with them. Most of the Company returnd to Mr. Duncan’s house. My Aunt spent the evening with Mrs. Payson.
1. Mrs. Priscilla Leonard McKinstry, widow of loyalist Dr. William McKinstry, of Taunton, was the sister of both Mrs. Elizabeth Duncan and Sarah LeBaron White, the second wife of John White Sr., of Haverhill ( , 6:326; William Willis, “Genealogy of the McKinstry Family, With A Preliminary Essay on the Scotch-Irish Immigrations to America,” , 12:325–326 [Oct. 1858]).