Adams Papers



Mr. Chaumont intended to set out early in the morning for Philadelphia (or rather Albany,) but it rain’d so hard that he was obliged to postpone it till the afternoon. I went to his lodgings at about 9 o’clock, and stay’d till about noon. We then went to a billiard table, and play’d a game. I dined at Mr. Smith’s. After dinner I return’d to Mr. de Chaumont’s lodgings, and found him, making preparations for his departure. At about 4 o’clock he set out in his Chaise with the Consul: Mr. Issotier Mr. Serane, and myself accompanied him on horseback. Mr. Toscan, went only to the neck, and then left us. The rest of us, went about 4 miles further and at 5 o’clock or thereabouts we took our leave of Mr. Chaumont who proposes going as far as Waltham to night. I spent the evening at Mr. Foster’s1 house, with my uncle Cranch, and Dr. Tufts.2

1Probably William Foster, a Boston merchant, brother and business partner of Joseph Foster, whom AA and AA2 had met on board the Active on their way to Europe in 1784. Soon after JQA’s arrival in Boston, Mary Smith Cranch arranged to board the Adams boys at Mr. Foster’s, “whenever they are not invited else Where” (Frederick Clifton Pierce, Foster Genealogy; Being The Record of the Posterity of Reginald Foster . . ., 2 vols., Chicago, 1899, 2:940–941; JA, Diary and Autobiography description begins Diary and Autobiography of John Adams, ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. description ends , 3:156, 164; Thwing Catalogue, MHi; Mary Smith Cranch to AA, 14 Aug.–[15?] Sept., Adams Papers).

2Dr. Cotton Tufts Sr. (1732–1815) was AA’s uncle by marriage. While JA and AA were in Europe, Tufts had a power of attorney to handle JA’s business affairs, including those related to the education of his sons (JA to Cotton Tufts, 6 Sept. 1784, Adams Papers, Fourth Generation).

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