Adams Papers



Mr. A. received in the morning a Card from Dr. Franklin1 informing him that a person who came in the Packet had called upon him last evening: and told him he had a pacquet for my father addressed at the Hague. My father immediately went to Dr. Franklin’s, and from thence to the Hôtel d’Orleans, where he found two gentlemen who came in the Packet. Mr. Jervais,2 an American, and Mr. Lefevre, a French man, whom I saw two years ago at Hamborough. I left Mr. A. at the Place de Louis Quinze and went on foot to the Hôtel de Bretagne, where I found Mr. West, who is much better, though his hand is as much swelled as ever. When I had been there about ½ an hour, Mr. A: came and took me up. We went to Mr. Jefferson’s. Mr. A. received a Letter from Mr. Gerry and a packet from Mr. Jay,3 by Mr. Jarvis, Who came out with Mr. Lefevre and spent the evening at Auteuil.

1Not found.

2 James Jarvis was described by Elbridge Gerry as “lately of Boston, but formerly of this City [New York], Son in Law to Mr. [Samuel] Broom.” Jarvis had been a New York merchant before the Revolution (Gerry to JA, 14 Feb., Adams Papers; Jefferson, Papers description begins The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, ed. Julian P. Boyd and others, Princeton, 1950- . description ends , 8:178, 247).

3Gerry to JA, 14 Feb. (Adams Papers); Jay to JA, 11 Feb. (Adams Papers).

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