All the family dined with the Marquis de la Fayette, who entertains all the Americans every Monday. There were however very few there this Day. Le Chevalier de la Touche, General Armand,1 and some other french gentlemen dined there. Mr. Williamos promised to get me a ticket for the Session of the Academie des Sciences on Wednesday.
1. Louis René Madeleine Le Vassor, Comte de La Touche-Tréville, who briefly served as commander of the French West Indian squadron during the American Revolution, was director, under the Marquis de Castries, of the Ministry for the Marine Department; Armand Charles Tuffin, Marquis de La Rouërie, known in America as Col. Armand, was a highly commended volunteer in American service during the Revolution (Jonathan R. Dull, The French Navy and American Independence: A Study of Arms and Diplomacy,1774–1787, Princeton, 1975, p. 221–222; , 10:221; , 2:454–462).