Adams Papers



Paris. Bought of Froullé bookseller quai des Augustins Crevier’s Histoire des Empereurs Romains.1 Spent half an hour with Mr. Blakely: he goes for London next monday. Mr. Pickman was not at home, nor Mr. Waring, nor any body at Mr. Jefferson’s; I waited there an hour for them to return; but in vain. I passed an hour with the abbés de Chalût and Arnoux: Abbé de Mably was with them. This gentleman is very famous in the litterary world: he has written a great deal; upon the subject of morals and politics, and of late four letters containing Observations upon the Constitutions of America,2 which he addressed to my father.

1This may be the twelve-volume, Paris, 1749–1755, edition of Jean Baptiste Louis Crevier’s Histoire des empereurs romains, depuis Auguste jusqu’a Constantin at MQA, which bears JQA’s bookplate.

2Observations sur le gouvernment et les loix des Etats-Unis d’Amérique, Amsterdam, 1784; transl. Remarks Concerning the Government and Laws of the United States of America: In Four Letters, Addressed to Mr. Adams, London, 1784. Copies of both are in JA’s library at MB.

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