Aug. 8th. Friday.
This morning we set out from Halle at about 3 o’clock, and rode without interruption untill we arrived at Cambray at about 2 1/2 afternoon. We dined at Cambray, and after dinner we went to the Cathedral Church, and saw the tomb of François de Salignac de la Mothe, Fenelon; Archbishop, of Cambray, and author of Telemachus.1 At 4. we left Cambray and rode till 10, when we arrived at Roye where we put up for the Night.
1. Fénelon, French prelate and author of Les aventures de Télémaque, fils d’Ulysse, first published in 1699; it was construed as a satire on Louis XIV and his policies and brought Fénelon into disfavor ( .