Sunday July the 1st 1781.
This morning Pappa and brother Charles and I went to church; din’d at home, Mr. Cook, Mr. Jennings, and another Gentleman din’d with us; brother Charles and I went again to church. After Church Mr. Sigourney, Mr. Ingraham, Mr. Bromfield and Mr. Merrick came here but did not stay here long.
From Dr Garths’ works. Epilogue to the Tragedy of Cato. Chapter 9th.1
1. The forty-line Epilogue, containing several transcription errors, follows on the next two pages in the Diary (Samuel Garth, Works, Dublin, 1769, p. 117–118). On this day JQA also copied, on two and one-half pages in the Diary as Chapter 10, the fifty-line “Epilogue to Mr. Rowe’s Jane Shore,” with several slight irregularities ( , 1:160–161).