Friday June the 22d 1781.
This morning I went to Mr. De la Lande and Fynje’s;1 din’d at home. Mr. Guild din’d Here. After dinner I went to Madam Chabanel’s with the coach; she went to take a ride; we went through a village call’d Diem[en?], and went to Mr. Hartsinck’s country seat. We stay’d there a little while and then return’d in to town to Madam Chabanel’s, Mr. Brailsford came there soon after; and brother Charles and I went with him to the coffy House where we found Mr. Greaves and Mr. Brush, from thence we went to Mr. Brailsford’s lodgings, and return’d home at about 10 o’clock.
From Guthrie’s Grammar (continued from yesterday) Chap 4th §. 15th.2
1. Jacobus de la Lande and Hendrik Fynje, merchant bankers of Amsterdam, who, with the Willinks and Van Staphorsts, raised the first Dutch loan to the United States in 1782 (Chr. Kroes-Ligtenberg, “Een Vriend van Aagje Deken,” De Gids, Amsterdam, pt. I [1942]: 96; JA, , 2:451).
2. Here follows, on two pages in the Diary, the concluding section on Dutch commerce and manufacturers (p. 401–402).