Adams Papers

Saturday the 15th [16th] of September 1780.

Saturday the 15th [16th] of September 1780.

Half Holiday. Today about 1 o clock brother Charles and I came to Pappa’s lodgings where we dined. After dinner Mr. Guild and Mr. Ingraham came here and went with us to see the Hortus Medicus1 of which I have spoken already. We walked about a little while and then we came home again, as we were coming we went into a Church and looked about it a little. When we got to Pappa’s door Mr. Guild and Mr. Ingraham left us. At about 8 o clock Commodore Gillon came to Pappa’s lodgings and stay’d some time. At about half after nine o clock Pappa received a Letter from Mr. Dana2 who has just arrived in Town. Pappa went to see Mr. Dana who Lodges at the first Bible.

1JQA’s marginal note here, “Vide Volume 2d. Page 11, and 36, 37, 38, 39,” refers to JQA’s Diary entries of 25 Aug. and 5 Sept. (both above).

2That of [16 Sept. 1780], Adams Papers.

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