Saturday September the 2d 1780.
Half holiday. After School went to Pappa’s house. We dined there. After dinner we went to buy the spectators.1 At about six o clock Mr. Guile came to Pappa’s and stay’d there a little while. They say that an American Frigate has fell in with sixteen sail of merchant vessels and had taken twelve of them.2 At about 8 o clock Mr. Guile went away. Brother Charles and I are to lodge here this night and we shall not go to school till monday next.
2. On 12 July an American frigate and two privateer brigs captured fourteen vessels of the Quebec Fleet off the banks of Newfoundland (W.S.C. [i.e. Thomas Digges] to JA, 29 Aug. 1780, Adams Papers; The Annual Register . . . For the Year 1781, London, 1782, p. 3).