Adams Papers

Tuesday 11th.

Tuesday 11th.

This morning at 7 ½ we set away from Sellada el Cameno. At about 10 o clock it began to snow and snow’d about a Quarter of an Hour. At about 12 o clock we arrived at Burgos which is a City about as big as Corunna. We shall lodge [here] to night. We have come 4 Leagues to day. I said that at Astorga we should determine the routs, we did determine not to go to Madrid but we shall determine at this place whether to go to Bilboa or directly to Bayonne.

This afternoon we all went to the Cathedral which is larger Than Those at Astorga and Leon (tho’ not so Magnificent). It was supported by, four of the largest pillars That I ever saw in my life. There are no less than 33 religious Houses in the place. Their orders are these.

Conbentos de Fraires
Franciscos 1
La Trinidad 1
Benitos 1
Augustinos 2
Dominicos 1
Mercenarios 1
Carmelitos 1
Parroquias 15
Cathedral y St. Yago de la Capilla <2>
St. Nicholas 1
Sn. Roman 1
La Blanca 1
Bejaria 1
St. Martin 1
St. Pedro 1
St. Cosmos 1
St. Lesmes 1
St. Esteban 1
St. Gil 1
Combentos de Monjas
Sta. Dorotea Agustinos 1
Sta. Franciscas 2
Carmelitas 1
Agustinas 1
Trinitarias 1
Bernardos [Bernardas] 2
Benitas 1
Catatrabas 1
St. il de fouso [Fonso?] 1
De Monjas 10
Frailes 8
Paroquias 15

1This enumeration includes several discrepancies. JQA lists eleven instead of the fifteen parishes mentioned by the Adamses’ informant, their guide, and the number of nunneries recorded was actually eleven rather than ten (JA, Diary and Autobiography description begins Diary and Autobiography of John Adams, ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1961; 4 vols. description ends , 2:427–428).

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