[July [4]. 1776.]
[from the Autobiography of John Adams]
[July [4]. 1776.]
July [4]. 1776. Resolved that Dr. Franklin, Mr. J. Adams and Mr. Jefferson be a Committee to prepare a device for a Seal for the United States of America.1
1. This paragraph is interlined in the MS and mistakenly placed between the last two paragraphs of the entry dated 1 July. The editors have placed it where JA no doubt intended to put it. This committee reported on 20 Aug., but its report was tabled, and no device for a Great Seal of the United States was adopted until 1782. See the proposals and report of 1776 and a summary of later developments in , 1:494–497; also JA to AA, 14 Aug. 1776 (Adams Papers; , p. 211). In his abstract of Congress’ proceedings on 20 Aug. JA overlooked the report of this committee.