[April 3. 1776] [from the Autobiography of John Adams]
[April 3. 1776]
April 3. 1776 great Things were done. The Naval System made great Progress.1
1. See JCC description begins Worthington C. Ford and others, eds., Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789, Washington, 1904–1937; 34 vols. description ends , 4:251–254.
“[April 3. 1776]
,” Founders Online, National Archives, https://founders.archives.gov/documents/Adams/01-03-02-0016-0092. [Original source: The Adams Papers, Diary and Autobiography of John Adams, vol. 3, Diary, 1782–1804; Autobiography, Part One to October 1776, ed. L. H. Butterfield. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1961, p. 377.]