[Fryday March 8.]
[from the Autobiography of John Adams]
[Fryday March 8.]
Fryday March 8. No order of the day. The Committee to whom the Letters from Generals Schuyler, Wooster and Arnold were referred brought in their report.1
1. These letters had been read in Congress on 4 March and referred that day to the committee (of which JA was a member) appointed to prepare instructions for the commissioners going to Canada ( ), 4:182–183; see entry of 17 Feb., above), but JA overlooked the entry of 4 March when abstracting the Journals, and he also forgot the wrangle evoked by his report on the 8th. According to Richard Smith’s Diary, 8 March, “a long Altercation followed on the first Article of a Report made by John Adams for reconciling the Differences between the Generals Schuyler and Wooster. the Article was at last voted out and other Parts of the Report adopted” ( , 1:382–383, and see note at p. 383). The report has not been found, but the resolutions adopted are in , 4:190–192.