[Wednesday June 7. 1775.]
[from the Autobiography of John Adams]
[Wednesday June 7. 1775.]
On Wednesday June 7. 1775. On motion resolved, that Thursday the 20th. of July next be observed throughout the twelve united Colonies, as a Day of Humiliation, Fasting and Prayer; and that Mr. Hooper, Mr. J. Adams and Mr. Paine, be a Committee to bring in a resolve for that purpose.1
The Committee appointed to prepare Advice in Answer to the Letter from the Convention of Massachusetts Bay, brought in their report, which was read and ordered to lie on the Table for Consideration.
1. This committee reported a proclamation on 12 June, which was adopted (apparently with some changes) and ordered to be “published in the newspapers, and in hand bills” ( , 2:87–88; 3:507 [”Bibliographical Notes,” Nos. 47–48]). A draft, perhaps but not certainly in the hand of William Hooper, is in the Adams Papers under date of June 1775; it contains some but not much of the language eventually used.