Adams Papers

1774. Sept. 16. Fryday [i.e. Thursday, 15 September].
[from the Diary of John Adams]

1774. Sept. 16. Fryday [i.e. Thursday, 15 September].1

Dined with Mr. Wallace, with a great deal of Company at a paultry elegant Feast again.

1JA clearly dated this entry one day late, since (1) R. T. Paine’s Diary (MHi) records dining with “Mr. Wallace” on Thursday the 15th; and (2) Paine and other members record attending “a grand Dinner to the Congress at the State House,” at which “about 500 dind at once,” on Friday the 16th (same; also Burnett, ed., Letters of Members description begins Edmund C. Burnett, ed., Letters of Members of the Continental Congress, Washington, 1921–1936; 8 vols. description ends , 1:32). This leaves a gap in JA’s record for 16 Sept. According to Samuel Ward’s Diary, “16th. The large Committee met, resumed the business and adjourned” (Burnett, ed., Letters of Members description begins Edmund C. Burnett, ed., Letters of Members of the Continental Congress, Washington, 1921–1936; 8 vols. description ends , 1:32; and see note on next entry).

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