Thomas Jefferson Papers

Patrick Gibson to Thomas Jefferson, 20 April 1814

From Patrick Gibson

Richmond 20th April 1814—


I have received your favor of the 12th Inst and am happy to find that I have acted conformably to your wishes in holding up your flour, the repeal of the restrictive system brought into market a few purchasers at 5$, which I refused under an impression that it would in a short time be followed by an Armistice—this opinion altho generally prevalent has not tended to raise the price, for the present I hold what I have on hand at 5½$ & should be glad to meet with a purchaser—I have sold your 4 hhds Tobacco to Mr Vibert at $8.90—and should have obtained a higher price had not 2 of the Hhds been rather soft—The Cask of powder shall be sent by the first of the two boats you mention, which comes down—

With great respect I am
Your obt Servt

Patrick Gibson

RC (ViU: TJP-ER); at head of text: “Thomas Jefferson Esqre”; endorsed by TJ as received 27 Apr. 1814 and so recorded in SJL.

Index Entries

  • Embargo Act (1813); and TJ’s flour search
  • Embargo Act (1813); repeal of search
  • flour; price of search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and gunpowder for TJ search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s flour search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s tobacco search
  • Gibson, Patrick; letters from search
  • gunpowder; sent to TJ search
  • Richmond, Va.; flour prices at search
  • tobacco; poor quality of TJ’s search
  • tobacco; sale of search
  • Vibert, Amice; purchases TJ’s tobacco search