James Madison Papers

From James Madison to Thomas L. McKenney, [ca. 14 June 1822]

To Thomas L. McKenney

[ca. 14 June 1822]

Dr Sir

I have been favored with yours of June 11. referring to the prospectus of an Evening paper you propose to publish.

Mrs. Madison & myself have a due sensibility to your kind expressions; and offer in return all the good wishes prompted by a recollection of the private virtues, & public principles which were always regarded as marking your character.

Having found it expedient to reduce rather than extend my receipt of Newspapers, I have for some time declined being a subscriber for new ones. I will thank you nevertheless to forward me with yours for the first year of its publication, & I will remit the price on the rect. of the first No. With esteem & friendly respects


$5 sent see the rect.

Draft (PHi). Undated; conjectural date assigned based on comparison with McKenney to JM, 11 June 1822.

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