James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Julius A. Bingham, 24 June 1822

From Julius A. Bingham

Rockville Md June 24th 1822

Dr. Sir

In presenting to the people of the United States, p[r]oposals for so important a work as the one which is here enclosed, I have thought it no less prudent than Respectful to make the objects known, in the commencement, to those who have born a conspicuous part in the fo[r]mation and administration of ower Goverment. Under this imp[r]ession, Sir, I have taken the liberty to address a prospectus to you,1 and to State that an expression of your views Respecting it, will be truly gratifying, and may be beneficial to me. With Sentiments of high esteem, Sir, your friend

J. A. Bingham2

RC (DLC). Docketed by JM. Filed under 24 June 1811 in the Index to the James Madison Papers.

1J. B. Colvin, Prospectus of a New Work. Presidents’ Speeches, &c. … To be Edited for the Publishers by J. B. Colvin … (Rockville, Md., 1822; Shoemaker 8404). Advertised by J. A. Bingham in the Baltimore Patriot & Mercantile Advertiser, 10 July 1822. JM’s copy is in the Madison Collection, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, Library of Congress.

2Julius A. Bingham was the publisher of the Rockville, Md., True American, from 1820 until at least 1824. Thereafter he moved to Portsmouth, Ohio, where he published the Western Times, 1827–31, but left Portsmouth to found the village of Oak Hill, Ohio, in 1832, where he ran a country store (Brigham, American Newspapers description begins Clarence S. Brigham, History and Bibliography of American Newspapers, 1690–1820 (2 vols.; Worcester, Mass., 1947). description ends , 1:269; Eugene B. Willard et al., eds., A Standard History of the Hanging Rock Iron Region of Ohio … [2 vols.; Marceline, Mo., 1916], 1:186–87, 486).

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