From George Washington to Major General Benjamin Lincoln, 8 February 1779
To Major General Benjamin Lincoln
Head Quarters [Middlebrook] 8th Feby 1779.
Dear Sir
Congress having directed me to order an Engineer for the service of the Southern Department1—Lt Colonel L’Aumoy is in consequence of General Du portails recommendation detached on that duty—he is instructed to proceed with all possible expedition to South Carolina, there to take your orders—and his Conduct while he has been attached to this Army, leaves me no room to doubt that he will give satisfaction. I am with great regard and esteem Dear Sir Your most obedt Servt
Go: Washington
LS, in John Laurens’s writing, CSmH; Df, DLC:GW; Varick transcript, DLC:GW.
1. For Congress’s act of 2 Feb. directing GW to take this action, see John Jay to GW, 3 Feb., n.1 (see also , 13:133).