George Washington Papers

From George Washington to William Augustine Washington, 14 November 1796

To William Augustine Washington

Philadelphia, 14 Nov. 1796. GW advises his nephew of a letter he received several years earlier from Isaac Heard, Garter Principal King at Arms, “enclosing our Armorial; and requesting a genealogical account of our progenitors since the first arrival of them in this country.”1 GW adds that he replied to Heard with the “best information” he had,2 and “wrote … to Lawrence Washington for an account of them.”3 GW encloses a copy of a more recent letter from Heard, and asks William Augustine to assist him in answering “the queries propounded in his letter.”4

ALS, ViMtvL; ALS (letterpress copy), ViMtvL. For the text of this letter and the reply, see William Augustine Washington to GW, 23 March 1798, and n.2 to that document, in Papers, Retirement Series description begins W. W. Abbot et al., eds. The Papers of George Washington, Retirement Series. 4 vols. Charlottesville, Va., 1998–99. description ends 2:151–55.

1Heard first wrote GW about his ancestry in a letter of 7 Dec. 1791, which enclosed a genealogical chart of the Washington family and other documents. Heard again wrote GW on 9 Aug. 1793.

2After having received ancestral and other family information from Hannah Fairfax Washington, GW provided Heard with genealogical data in a letter to him of 2 May 1792 (see GW to Hannah Fairfax Washington, 24 March 1792, and Hannah Fairfax Washington to GW, 9 April 1792).

3No letter on the subject of genealogy from GW to his cousin Lawrence Washington of Chotank has been found.

4GW probably enclosed a copy of the letter of 10 July 1796 that he had received from Heard.

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