Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Lord Morton, 2 April 1768

From Lord Morton9

AL: Historical Society of Pennsylvania

Brook Street Sat. 2 April 1768

Lord Morton’s Compliments to Dr. Franklin, and has sent the bearer for the Electrical Machine, 10 Is much obliged by the trouble the Doctor has taken in putting it in order. The bearer will pay any expence the Dr. has been put to on that account.

Addressed: To / Dr. Franklin / Craven Street

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

9For James Douglas, 14th Earl of Morton, president of the Royal Society, see above, IX, 272 n.

10Undoubtedly the “Philadelphia machine” that BF had demonstrated in London in 1758; a copy was made, and came into Lord Morton’s possession. See BF to Priestley, May 4, 1772, Smyth, Writings, V, 394–5.

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