Remarks of the Weather [January 1768]
Remarks of the Weather [January 1768]
Jany. 1st. Ground exceedg. hard froze, but this day calm & moderate.
2. Moderate. Wind Southwardly. Thawing a little.
3. Rain, with the Wind at So. West. Gd. still hard froze, except the Top of it.
4. Foggy & Warm. Mid day clear. Frost still in the Earth. Calm.
5. Very thick & Foggy in the Morning. Wind afterwards at No. Et. and Rain all day the Wind shifting southwardly.
6. Warm, clear, & pleasant, in the Morng. Wind high from No. Wt. & cool afterwards.
7. Clear and frosty. Wind brisk from No. W.
8. Clear, frost, & still.
9. Cloudy, with Misty forenoon & constt. Rain afterwards. Wind Southwardly.
10. Weather clear. Wind Southwardly, yet raw and Cold. Hard frost.
11. Clear with the Wind at West. Evening very cold & Wind Northwardly. Severe Frost. River froze across.
12. Wind at No. West and exceeding cold and frosty.
14. Clear and pleast. Wind at South River still froze.
15. Clear and pleasant. Wind Southwardly. Thawd a good deal.
16. Constant Snow the whole day from the Northward.
17. Clear and pleasant. Wind So. West and West. Hard frost.
18. Still & cloudy. Very like to Snow but broke away abt. Sun Set. Cold.
19. Clear and pleast. Morning. Afternoon Raw & cold.
20. Clear, still, & warm. Thawd a great deal.
21. Very warm and Still. Snow dissolving fast.
22. Warm, still, and clear again. Snow almost gone.
23. No Frost last Night. Warm, & clear in the forenoon. Cloudy with some Rain in the Afternoon—afterwards clear again. Ice broke in the River.
24. Lowering Morning, but very fine & Warm till 7 in the Afternoon, when the Wind shifted to No. East from So.
25. Drizling & Raing. all day. Wind—No. Et.
26. Wind at No. West. Cloudy & cold, with Spits of Snow.
27. Cold—cloudy—& still morng. Clear & pleast. afterwards. Wind Southwardly.
28. Wind at No. West & very cold.
29. Do. at Do. & Do. River froze up again last Night.
30. Very hard frost last Night. Morng. cold but more moderate afterwards. Wind gettg. Southwardly.
31. Lowering. Wind Southwardly & moderate. Ice breaking and dispersing.