Benjamin Franklin Papers

From Benjamin Franklin to Samuel Preston Moore, 13 August 1761

To Samuel Preston Moore

ALS: Library Company of Philadelphia

London, Augt. 13. 1761.

Dear Sir,

Inclosed I send the Account of Charges in Solliciting your Act, amounting to £36 15s. 0d.8 The Act itself with the Royal Approbation engross’d on Parchment, I sent you per Mr. Wells,9 and hope it will get safe to hand. I am, with great Esteem, Dear Sir, Your most obedient humble Servant

B Franklin

S. Preston Moore Esqr

Addressed: To / Samuel Preston Moore Esqr / Philadelphia / Per favour of / Mr Hilborne1

Notation on address page:2

36. 15. 0
18. 7. 6
9. 3. 9
64. 6. 3
18. 3
63. 8. 0
[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8For Moore’s Act, see the document immediately above and the references cited in its first footnote.

9Not identified.

1Not identified.

2Down through the first addition these figures indicate Moore’s method of determining in Pa. currency the amount he was to pay DF for this bill of £36 15s.: the amount in sterling plus 50 per cent and 25 per cent, equalling 75 per cent exchange. See the end of the document immediately above. The significance of the remaining figures escapes the editors.

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