Adams Papers

To John Adams from Thomas Barnes, 27 August 1778

From Thomas Barnes

Paris Augst. 27th. 1778


This day have had the pleasure of receiving Your much desired and welcome letter.1 Have also Received the feavour asked of 5 guineas which I greatfully Acknowledge. At the same time am sensible My letter to Doctr. Franklin deserves depricating Against as it was Imperfect in every particular. Now when to late I am sensible of my eror. How[ever?]2 it is not my natural desire to adress a Gentleman of his qualtetys in an Improper Manner. It happens to be so, therefore beg it may be ad’apted to my bad state of he’lth, and my not Being aversed with the rules You have laid down in Your letter. My not letting Doctr. Franklin know where I lodged was Certainly a great mistake in me. All this I hope he will Excuse and Adapt it to the Above reason which I hope will suffice. Now I am supplyed as far as may be Requisite for which I am much Intebted And shall allways consider myselfe vastly obligated To the present Commissioners in Consiquence thereof. As to Mr. Leger and Captain Murph3 whom You mention they are gone to Nantz as they have Proceeded from hence last Thirsday Night. The Notes You have sent I have Signed and sent them by Your Young Man. I now mean to proceed to Nantz from thence to Boston as quick as possible where I shall have an Apportunity of seeing some of your Conexions there and there abouts, where I thinke I Can with Justice say you merrit the good Appinion of Your Countrymen in general. Your time is presious Therefore wont Incroach any farther. Therefore beg Leave to be with Submission Your friend and Humble Servt. Adue,

Thomas Barnes

RC (Adams Papers).

1JA’s letter to Barnes has not been found, but see Barnes to JA, 25 Aug., and notes (above).

2“How” is followed by a period and a superscript which appears to be an “r.”

3Probably John Murphy of Rhode Island, captain of the sloop Swallow. He wrote to Benjamin Franklin on 10 Aug. and is listed as having escaped from Forton Prison on 23 July, the same day as Edward Leger and, presumably, Thomas Barnes (Marion and Jack Kaminkow, Mariners of the American Revolution, Baltimore, 1967, p. 137; Cal. Franklin Papers, A.P.S. description begins I. Minis Hays, comp., Calendar of the Papers of Benjamin Franklin in the Library of the American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia, 1908; 5 vols. description ends , 1:475; Barnes to JA, 25 Aug., note 1, above).

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