To James Madison from John Gavino, 29 June 1802
From John Gavino, 29 June 1802
Gibraltar 29th. June 1802
After referring you to mine No. 91 & 92 ⅌ this Conveyance, still detaind by Contrary Wind, have now to inform you that Yesterday Saml: Moor Commander of the English Brig Mary from Mahon, who parted Company on the 24th: Inst: to the Eastward of the Rock with the American Brig Rose whose Commander deliverd him the following Note, Vizt: “Captain Andrew Morris, Brig Franklin bound to Martineca, belonging to Summaril & Brown of Philadelpa: taken the 17t: June Inst: off Cape Palos in Compy: with the Rose—signd Willm: Whitehead.
Capn. Moor further told me, he was informed by Capn: Whitehead that the Capturing Vessel was a Galliott with three Latin Sails, and boarded the Franklin at 12 oClock at Night.
We have also accot: of a Galiott boarding a Swedish Schooner that Saild from Alicante the 16th: Inst: bound to Teresiexa to load Salt said day off Cape Sinera, took out the Men and Pilferd the Seamens Cloaths. They then quited the Schooner. A Gibraltar armed Vessel being in Sight Cheased the Galiott, but she got off, after which took the Schooner into Port, from which Circumstances it is Supposed the Galiott is a Pirate. I have the honor to be, Sir Your most obedt: & most he. Servt:
John Gavino
The preceding is the full transcription of a document that was previously abstracted in The Papers of James Madison, Secretary of State series. The original abstract contains additional annotation and source information.