James Madison Papers

To James Madison from John Gavino, 29 June 1802

From John Gavino, 29 June 1802

No. 93

Gibraltar 29th. June 1802


After referring you to mine No. 91 & 92 ⅌ this Conveyance, still detaind by Contrary Wind, have now to inform you that Yesterday Saml: Moor Commander of the English Brig Mary from Mahon, who parted Company on the 24th: Inst: to the Eastward of the Rock with the American Brig Rose whose Commander deliverd him the following Note, Vizt: “Captain Andrew Morris, Brig Franklin bound to Martineca, belonging to Summaril & Brown of Philadelpa: taken the 17t: June Inst: off Cape Palos in Compy: with the Rose—signd Willm: Whitehead.

Capn. Moor further told me, he was informed by Capn: Whitehead that the Capturing Vessel was a Galliott with three Latin Sails, and boarded the Franklin at 12 oClock at Night.

We have also accot: of a Galiott boarding a Swedish Schooner that Saild from Alicante the 16th: Inst: bound to Teresiexa to load Salt said day off Cape Sinera, took out the Men and Pilferd the Seamens Cloaths. They then quited the Schooner. A Gibraltar armed Vessel being in Sight Cheased the Galiott, but she got off, after which took the Schooner into Port, from which Circumstances it is Supposed the Galiott is a Pirate. I have the honor to be, Sir Your most obedt: & most he. Servt:

John Gavino

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