John Jay Papers

To John Jay from Floridablanca, 27 September 1781

From Floridablanca

[Le Jeudi 27 Septre 1781]

Quoique la derniere lettre de Mr. Jay, accompagnée d’un certain plan ait eté remise samedi au soir au Comte de Florida Blanca, & qu’il ne fut pas en etat de se mettre au fait, Jusqu’á ce qu’elle fut traduite de l’anglois, cependant il ne manqua pas d’en rendre compte au Roi dans sa depeche du dimanche. Sa Majesté s’etant donc montrée disposée à fixer quelque personne qui puisse conferer avec Mr. Jay, il est necessaire de dresser une Instruction convenable, & de la presenter au Roi à fin qu’il daigne l’approuver. Le Comte de Florida Blanca se flatte de pouvoir arranger cette affaire avant le depart de la Cour pour l’Escurial, et en attendant il a l’honneur de faire remettre à Mr. Jay le Passeport pour Mr. Franks.


[Thursday 27th Sepr—1781]

Altho’ the last letter of Mr Jay, accompanied with a certain plan, was transmitted Saturday in the Evening to the Count de Florida Blanca,1 and altho’ he could not inform himself of their Contents until translated from the English, he nevertheless did not fail to render an account thereof to the King in his dispatch of Sunday— His Majesty having then shewn himself disposed to appoint some person to confer with Mr. Jay, it is become necessary to prepare a suitable Instruction & to present it to the King for his approbation—the Count of Florida Blanca flatters himself that he shall be able to arrange this affair before the departures of the Court for the Escurial—& in the mean while he has the honour to transmit to Mr. Jay a Passport for a Major Franks—2

C, with English translation, embedded in JJ to the President of Congress, 3 Oct. 1781, below, DNA: PCC, item 89, 437 (EJ: 11912). LbkCs, in French, with English translation, DNA: PCC, item 110, 1: 497–99 (EJ: 4178); NNC: JJ Lbks. 1 and 6; CSmH: JJ Lbk.

1See JJ to Floridablanca and Propositions for a Treaty with Spain, both 22 Sept. 1781, above.

2On 5 Oct., JJ informed Floridablanca that he planned to return to Madrid and would wait there to hear when he should present himself at the Escorial for a response to his proposals. Floridablanca replied that same day, wishing JJ a pleasant trip and informing him that he would notify him as soon as he was in a position to respond to JJ’s propositions. See DNA: PCC, item 110, 2: 13 (EJ: 4186, 4187).

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