Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Waterhouse, 21 March 1803

To Benjamin Waterhouse

Monticello Mar. 21. 1803.

Th: Jefferson returns his acknolegements to Doctr. Waterhouse for his letter of the lst. inst. & the book accompanying it, which he recieved & will have the pleasure of perusing here, where he is on a visit of a fortnight, engaged in the rural operations of the season. the small pox having got into a neighborhood about 30. miles from this, he was enabled yesterday, with some vaccine matter he brought from Washington, to inoculate a large deputation of persons from that neighborhood, and thus to communicate the blessing for which they are indebted to Dr. Waterhouse. he prays him to accept his friendly salutations & assurances of great respect.

PrC (DLC); endorsed by TJ in ink on verso.

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