Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Collinson, 6 April 1763

From Peter Collinson

ALS: American Philosophical Society

Lond Aprill 6. 1763

I can only now express the great satisfaction I have and that of Our Family to Hear by your Kind Letter of the 7 Decemr1 of your Safe Arrival. I have One more Wish and that Is, to Hear of your Son and Daughter. All your Friends are Well in particular Yours Sincerely

P Collinson

Mr. Canton2 desires his Compliments. hopes for a Letter

Addressed: To / Benn Franklin Esqr / in / [Philadelphia]3 Boston

1See above, pp. 165–6.

2For John Canton, the English electrical experimenter, see above, IV, 390 n.

3Crossed out and “Boston” substituted in another hand.

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