Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Tristram Barnard: Oath, 13 October 1778: résumé

From Tristram Barnard: Oath

AD:8 American Philosophical Society

<Passy, October 13, 1778: I, Tristram Barnard of Nantucket, swear I will proceed to England and, as soon as possible in a vessel of my own loaded with coal, to Spain. From thence, with a cargo of goods, I shall proceed to America to settle for life.9 I will not use this pass from the commissioners in any way contrary to the interests of America or France.>

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

8In JA’s hand, signed by Tristram Barnard, and attested by BF and JA.

9He took an oath of allegiance the same day (APS). His subsequent service to his country included extensive privateering: Taylor, Adams Papers, VII, under Oct. 9.

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