George Washington Papers

General Orders, 29 July 1778

General Orders

Head-Quarters White-Plains Wednesday July 29th 78.

Parole Netherlands—C. Signs Nantz Natick.

The Regimental Quarter Masters are to be pointedly exact in having Vaults sunk for necessaries and see that they are regularly covered every morning; They are also to pay strict attention to the Cleanliness of the Camp, seeing that all Offal, putrid flesh and bones are buried. Altho’ this is the particular duty of the Quarter Masters it is expected that the Commanding Officers of Corps will know that the duty is performed, as the sweetness of a Camp and the health of the men depend upon it.

Particular attention agreeable to former orders1 is to be paid to the slaughtering Pens that no offensive smell may proceed from them.

Coll Baldwin is appointed by the Quarter Mastr General to the command and superintendency of the Artificers belonging to the Army.

All Officers commanding Companies of Artificers are therefore to make return to him forthwith of the number of men in their respective Companies, and for the future to make such weekly and other returns to him as he shall direct.

In the monthly returns which are to be brought in to the Orderly-Office next saturday (and hereafter the last saturday of every month) particular attention must be paid to insert the monthly Alterations regimentally, distinguishing between those discharged by the Muster Master General or Surgeons and those whose terms of service are expired.

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

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