Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from David Hall, 22 July 1758

From David Hall

Letterbook copy: American Philosophical Society

Philadelphia 22d July. 1758.


Inclosed you have the third Copy (in Case of Miscarriages) of a Bill for £149.12s. 5d., and the first Copy of another Bill for £100. which makes in all sent you £1049. 12s. 5d. One Hundred pound of which protested, for which you have Credit.2 The Exchange for the £100. to be paid you by Mr. Strahan was 60 as was that of £149. 12s. 5d. and this last 57½.3 You will please advise me of their coming to hand, and of being paid when you have got the Cash. Yours

D Hall

To Benjamin Franklin Esqr. via Liverpool Capt. Stiles
2d Copy via Liverpool per Capt. Moore Augt. 26th4

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

2See above, VII, 236, for Hall’s remittances to BF, including a record of the protested bill.

3That is, in the first case £100 sterling equaled £160 Pa. currency and in the second £157 10s.

4Pa. Gaz., July 27, 1758, reported clearance of the brig Shirley, Capt. Henry Styles, and on August 24 clearance of the schooner Pitt, Capt. Francis Moore.

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