George Washington Papers

General Orders, 7 June 1778

General Orders

Head-Quarters Valley-Forge June 7th 1778.

Parole Roxbury— C. Signs Rutland Richmond.

The Court-Martial whereof Coll Chambers is President is dissolved, and another ordered to sit tomorrow at the usual Place to try all persons that shall be brought before them—Coll Livingston will Preside—Each Brigade will give a Captain for the Court. A General Court-Martial to sit tomorrow at nine ôClock at the Gulph-Mill to try all such Persons as shall be brought before them—Lieutt Coll Smith will Preside—Four Captains and eight Subalterns from Colonel Jackson’s detachment to attend as Members.

The Court of Enquiry whereof Coll Johnson was President May 29th 1778—report as follows—The Court duly considering the Charge exhibited against Lieutt Coll Park and his Defence are of Opinion that he is guilty of having been absent from Camp without leave, but that he is not guilty of Negligence of Duty whilst in Camp. The Court taking into consideration the peculiar Circumstances attending Lieutt Coll Park’s absence and the punishment he has already endured in consequence of his Arrest & Suspension from duty, beg leave to recommend him to His Excellency as worthy of Acquittal.

The General restores Lieut. Coll Park to his Command.

The Honorable the Congress have been pleased to come to the following Resolutions respecting the Establishment of the Army.

In Congress May 27th 1778.

1st Infantry.

Resolved that each Battalion of Infantry shall consist of nine Companies one of which shall be of Light-Infantry.

The Light Infantry to be kept compleat by Drafts from the Battalion and organized during the Campaign into Corps of Light Infantry—That the Battalion of Infantry consist of

Pay pr Mo. Dollrs
1 Coll & Captain 75
1 Lieut. Coll & Captn 60.
1 Major 50.
6 Captains each 40.
1 Captn Lieutt        26. 2 3.
8 Lieutts each        26. 2 3.
9 Ensigns each 20.
1 Serjt Major 10.
1 Quartr Mr Serjt 10.
27 Serjeants each 10.
1 Drum Major    9.
Pay-Master 20. To be taken from the line.
Adjutant 13. In addition to their Pay as
Officers in the Line.
Quarter Mast. 13
1 Surgeon            60 Dollrs
1 Surgeon’s Mate 40
1 Fife Majr   9
18 Drums & Fifes each                7 1 3rds
27 Corporals each          7 1 3.
477 Privates each           6 2 3.

Each of the Field Officers to command a Company—The Lieutt of the Coll’s Compy to have the Rank of Captn Lieutt.

2nd Artillery.

That a Battalion of Artillery consist of
Pay pr Mo. Dollrs
1 Colonel 100
1 Lieutt Coll   75.
1 Major        62 1 3.
12 Captns each 50.
12 Captn Lieutts each        33. 1 3.
12 1st Lieutts each        33 1 3.
36 2nd Lieutts each        33 1 3.
Pay-Mastr 25. To be taken from the line.
Adjt 16. In addition to their pay as
Officers in the line.
Qr Mastr 16.
1 Surgeon 75  
1 Surgeon’s Mate 50  
1 Serjeant Majr                 11 23 90ths
1 Qr Mr Serjt                 11 23/90ths
1 Fife Majr            10. 38.90.
1 Drum Majr             10. 38.90.
72 Serjts each 10.
72 Bombardiers each   9
72 Corporals each   9
72 Gunners each            8 2 3.
24 Drums & Fifes each           8 2 3.
336 Matrosses each          8 1 3
3rd Cavalry.
That a Battalion of Cavalry consist of
Pay pr Mo. Dollrs
1 Coll        93 3 4.
1 Lieutt Coll 75.
1 Major 60.
6 Captns each 50.
12 Lieutts each        33 1 3.
6 Cornets each        26 2 3.
1 Riding Mastr        33 1 3.
Pay Mastr 25. To be taken from the line.
Adjt 15. In addition to their pay as
Offrs in the line.
Qr Mr 15
1 Surgeon 60.
1 Surgeon’s Mate 40.
1 Sadler 10.
1 Trumpet Majr 11.
6 Farriers each 10.
6 Qr Mr Serjts each 15.
6 Trumpeters each 10.
12 Serjeants each 15.
30 Corporals each 10.
324 Dragoons each     8 1 3
4th Provost.
Resolved that a Provost be establish’d to consist of
Pay pr Mo. Dollrs
1 Captn of Provosts 50
4 Lieutts each        33 1 3.
1 Clerk        33 1 3.
1 Qr Mr Serjeant 15.
2 Trumpeters each 10.
2 Serjeants each 15
5 Corpls each 10.
43 Provosts or Privates each         8 1 3.
4 Executioners each 10.

This Corps to be mounted on horseback and arm’d and accoutred as Light-Dragoons.

Resolved, That in the Engineering Department three Companies be established each to consist of

Pay pr Mo. Dollrs
1 Captain 50
3 Lieutenants each        33 1 3
4 Serjeants each 10
4 Corporals each    9
60 Privates each        8 1 3

These Companies to be instructed in the Fabrication of Field-Works as far as it relates to the manual and mechanical Part.

Their business shall be to instruct fatigue parties to do their duty with Celerity and Exactness; to repair Injuries done to the works by the Enemy’s fire and to prosecute Works in the Face of it.

The Commissioned Officers to be skilled in the necessary branches of the Mathematicks; The Non Commissioned Officers to write a good hand.

Resolved, That the Adjutant and Quarter Master of a Regiment be nominated by the Field Officers out of the Subalterns and presented to the Commander in Chief or the Commander in a separate Department for Approbation; and that being approved of, they shall receive from him a Warrant agreeable to such Nomination.

That the Pay-Master of a Regiment be chosen by the Officers of the Regiment out of the Captains or Subalterns and appointed by Warrant as above; The Officers are to risque their Pay in his hands.

The Pay-Masters are to have the Charge of the Cloathing and to distribute the same.

Resolved, That the Brigade Majors be appointed as heretofore by the Commander in Chief or Commander in a separate department out of the Captains of the Brigade to which he shall be appointed.

That the Brigade Quarter Master be appointed by the Quarter Master General out of the Captains or Subalterns in the Brigade to which he shall be appointed.

Resolved, That two Aids-de-Camp be allowed to each Major General, who shall for the future appoint them out of the Captains or Subalterns.

Resolved, That in addition to their Pay as Officers in the line there be allowed to

An Aide de-Camp 24 Dollars—pr Mo.
Brigade Major 24
Brigade Qr Mr 15

Resolved, That when any of the Staff Officers appointed from the line, are promoted above the ranks in the line out of which they are respectively appointable, their Staff Appointments shall be thereupon vacated.

The present Aids-de-Camp and Brigade Majors to receive their present Pay and Rations.

Resolved that, Aids-de-Camp, Brigade Majors and Brigade Quarter Masters heretofore appointed from the line shall hold their present Ranks and be admissible into the line again in the same rank they held when taken from the line; provided that no Aid, Brigade Major or Quarter Master shall have the Command of any Officers who commanded him while in the Line.

Resolved, That whenever the Adjutant General shall be appointed from the Line he may continue to hold his rank and Commission in the Line.

Resolved, That when supe[r]numerary Lieutenants are continued under this Arrangement of the Battalions who are to do the duty of Ensigns they shall be intitled to hold their rank and to receive the Pay such rank intitled them to receive.

Resolved, that no more Colonels be appointed in the Infantry, but where any such Commission is or shall become vacant, the Battalion shall be commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel, who shall be allowed the same Pay as is now granted to a Colonel of Infantry and shall rise in Promotion from that to the Rank of Brigadier, and such Battalion shall have only two Field Officers (viz.)—a Lieutenant Colonel and Major but it shall have an additional Captain.

29th May 1778.

Resolved, That no Persons hereafter appointed upon the Civil Staff of the Army shall hold or be entitled to any Rank in the Army by Virtue of such Staff Appointment.

2nd June 1778.

Resolved, That the Officers herein after mentioned be entitled to draw one ration a day and no more; that where they shall not draw such ration, they shall not be allowed any Compensation in lieu thereof; And to the end that they may be enabled to live in a manner becoming their Stations.

Resolved, That the following sums be paid to them Monthly for their subsistence (viz.).

To every Colonel 50 Dollars pr Mo.
To every Lieut. Coll 40.
To every Major 30.
To every Captain 20.
To every Lieut. & Ensn 10.
To Every Regl Surgeon 30.
To every Regl Surgns Mate 10.
To every Chaplain of a Brigade 50.

Resolved, That Subsistence Money be allowed to Officers and others on the Staff in lieu of extra rations and that henceforward none of them be allowed to draw more than one ration a day.

Ordered, That the Committee of Arrangement be directed to report to Congress as soon as possible such an allowance as they shall think adequate to the station of the respective Officers and Persons employ’d on the Staff.

Extract from the Minutes
Ch. Thomson Secretary1

All Officers will be careful to make themselves well acquainted with the Establishment and govern themselves accordingly.

The Commissaries will be particularly observant of what relates to their department with respect to rations and subsistence money.

’Till the Regiments shall be arranged agreeable to this Establishment the Nomination of Regimental Staff Officers according to the Mode here pointed out is to be suspended.

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1This arrangement is printed in JCC description begins Worthington Chauncey Ford et al., eds. Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774-1789. 34 vols. Washington, D.C., 1904–37. description ends , 11:538–43.

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